Fig. 1: Initial OPG (7 years after implantation).
Przypadek kliniczny 7
Female patient, 75 years old, generally healthy, non smoker.
Seven years before, the patient had received an implant reconstruction in the mandible with ten conventional 2-stage implants (Fig.1).
Four implants in left mandibular area were lost during first year after surgery. Presented picture is the result seven years after implantation. French surgeons recommended bone transplantation for augmentation of the mandible and delayed implantation, but the patient did not want any additional procedures. Our proposal was to remove all 2-stage implants, bone curettage with simultaneous insertion of six KOS® implants and immediate loading.

Fig. 2: Intraoral view. Obvious signs of periimplantitis.

Fig. 3: Intraoral view. Placement of six KOS® implants.

Fig. 4: Intraoral view. Coverage of the bone wounds and implants with APRF membranes.

Fig. 5: Control OPG immediately after surgery. Bicortical fixation of some KOS® implants. Simultaneous treatment of the upper jaw, also with KOS® and TPG® implants.

Fig. 6: State of the gums 8 days post-op.

Fig. 7: Long-term provisional metal-acrylic bridgework ready for fixation.

Fig. 8: Fixation of the metal-acrylic bridgework on the implants.

Fig. 9: Control CT 3 months after surgery.

Fig.10: 3D Imaging of implants and fixated prosthetic device.

This case was rescued by:
MD, PhD, Prof. Yan Vares
Lviv National Medical University, Lviv, Ukraine
E-mail: vares-dent(at)