

While the advice and the information on this website are believed to be true and accurate at the time of submittion for publication, neither the authors nor the owner of this website can accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions made therein. The material presented in this site is not intended to present / represent the only method or application appropriate for any medical situations discussed, but rather it shows an approach to the problem. It expresses the viewpoint of the authors, which may be helpful to others who encounter similar clinical situations. We also want to point out that knowledge in the medical field develops quickly.

Regarding the choice and the application of implants in any case, professional advice must be sought. This advice must be sought from specialized implantologist for the system in question or under consideration for the individual case.

Neither the owners of the site nor the authors can be liable for damages or other problems of all kinds if the recommendations given therein should happen, because the advice was followed.

Disclaimer Regarding Future Developments

The information given in this website represents the state of the art at the time of the publication. Wie sich aus dem Inhalt der Website von selber ergibt, teilen nicht alle Mediziner die hier gemachten Aussagen. Insbesondere werden die Aussagen (schon aus Opportunitätsgründen) nicht von führenden Herstellern von 2-phasigen Implantaten und von ihren abhängigen Professoren geteilt.

Disclaimer Regarding the Necessity of a Specialized Training and Valid Authorisation for Treatment Providers

The manufacturer of the medical devices demands that the user (treating dentist / surgeon) undergoes special and repeated training before using the devices. The successful passing of an exam at a dental school, or experience with other (e.g. 2-stage) implants is known to be not enough in order to work successfully with basal implant systems. Treatment providers without such training are not allowed to treat with the basal implant devices shown on this website (Strategic Implant®). This prohibition of use for unauthorized medical personnel explicitly includes the following dental practices:

  • Consultations prior to treatment, particularly comparative treatment consultations
  • Surgery with these implants
  • Prosthetic treatment with these implants
  • Checkups, corrections and extensions of prosthetic constructions involving these implants

Further information is available on www.implantfoundation.org - Consensus

Interested treatment providers may apply for specific training on basal implants on www.implantfoundation.org - Curriculum

Regional Disclaimer

The information given in this website is not for use or for being noted in the US and Canada. The manufacturer of the devices actively refuses registration, supply and sale of these patented devices to implantologists in the US and Canada.

Treatments with the Strategic Implant® are available (also for US citizens) in Europe (EU), in all Russian speaking countries and in some Asian countries.